
Webbdagarna 2020

Webbdagarna or The Web Days as it translates is one of the largest events in Sweden in the digital sector. E-comerse, Web strategies, CMS, AI, and all the important things when it comes to making business on the Internet are covered over this two day meeting. Since 2008 we have helped the organizers to produce an outstanding event that attracts some 1500 people in Stockholm.

2020 was special though. Just 5 days before the event the playground changed completely. Gatherings were limited to 50 people and the recommendation was to avoid all travel. So what to do? Go digital! In 5 days we changed the entire set-up to ebcome a studio produced web-event. Completa with 5 parallel tracks and 20 exhibiting partners in virtual booths.

If you can think it – you can make it! couldn’t be more true for Webbdagarna 2020.

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